“Karen,” one of my students said to me recently, ”I understand everything I read, and I can write well. But how do I improve my speaking?”
Here is a list of a fourteen ways you can work to increase your level of fluency, even in predominantly Francophone Algeria:
Immerse yourself in English.
It will be difficult to increase your level of fluency in English if you don’t work to think in English. You can’t set a goal for fluency in English if you don’t train your mind to think in English – because thinking in another language and then translating it into English before you speak will not only cause you to hesitate as you speak, but the syntax or word choices you use can easily be incorrect. One way you can do this by making English the primary language for your computer, instead of French or Arabic.
Read English-language literature.
There is a wealth to choose from – for free - online. PlanetEBook is just one of many websites where you can download books and read them online or print them out. Better yet, though, if you are working on pronunciation, go to Free Audio Books or one of these other websites and read along as you listen to the text being read aloud. You can download these YouTube books by using the free, online site SaveVid. If you have access to a credit card you could order books with free shipping from Better World Books. Yes, they ship free to Algeria – although they will take a long time to arrive. It will be worth it, though!
Read a book you have already read in another language — in English.
You already know the plot – now you can savor the language. Have you read books by Victor Hugo, Gustave Flaubert or perhaps the Qur’an in French or Arabic? Now read these titles again, but in English!
Listen to and read poetry out loud.
Poems are short, are full of rich vocabulary, and are written to sound wonderful. Luxuriate in the beauty of the English language!
Listen to English as much as you can.
If you are not able to hear how the word is pronounced, you cannot expect to be able to say it! I truly recommend listening to audiobooks - this is a brilliant way to learn vocabulary, pronunciation and syntax. “But,” you say, “I don’t really like literature and poetry!” No problem. Listen to the news, in English! Try National Public Radio if you prefer American English, or, for those of you who prefer a British accent try BBC Radio: both contain a wide selection of news, documentaries, dramas, sports and comedy shows.
Watch TV in English.
There are many English-language channels available here in Algeria. Watch the news, the weather, movies or a TV series. If these seem a bit difficult, watch children’s shows – they are an excellent method to learn simpler, more understandable English.
Watch movies in English.
Pick a film you really want to see, or one that you’ve seen before and that you love. Watch it in the language of your choice so that you really understand it. Watch it again, but this time in English with subtitles in Arabic or French. Watch it again in English with English subtitles. Watch it a third time in English, without English subtitles. Either purchase a DVD with both English audio and the subtitles you need, or download the movie and find the appropriate subtitles.
Join a conversation class.
No, I’m not just plugging American English Plus (although we do have a conversation class on Fridays from 15:00 – 17:00). If the AEP Language Center is not located near you, find an English language school that is, and get some weekly practise! Remember the famous saying: “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it!” If you are more serious about improving your speaking skills, take an English listening and speaking class.
No time for a class? Find an English-speaking buddy.
Have you made a friend through an English-language school? Keep in frequent contact with that person, and make a commitment to speaking English with each other — even when you are out on the street. Yes, you’ll get some stares, but not too many (insha’Allah).
Turn your job into a place to practise English.
Convince your employer that perfecting English is vital for international competitiveness, and then institute an “English Only Day”, or just commit to speaking English with your like-minded colleagues. And yes, there are companies who do do this in Algeria!
Talk to yourself in the mirror.
Notice how you mouth moves to form the words. Practice everyday pleasantries, or pretend phone conversations.
Just talk to yourself!
Whenever you are alone, voice your thoughts, but do it in English. Don’t just think these things. Speaking English (or any new language) well takes training the muscles of your mouth to move in the ways that need to. It is oral exercise, and exercise takes practise!
Make an English-speaking Skype buddy.
Go to Facebook, join an English-language group and see if there are any members that would like a chance to practise their English with you on Skype. It’s a great way to make new friends, it’s free and you can do this where ever you have an Internet connection and the free time!
Don’t give up!
“People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don’t know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to.” - George E. Allen
And, best of luck.
You can do it, insha’Allah!